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Datagrid Introduction


This project is in developer-preview status and will reach the beta in 2023 Q1. Currently, the datagrid is under massive refactoring, and it is not recommended using it in production. Rather, we kindly appreciate your feedback on GitHub Issues.

What is rescoped datagrid?

Our datagrid is a library for building powerful interactive datagrids in the Angular-Material ecosystem.

The idea behind the rescoped datagrid

We don't just say, "Let’s make good even better", we mean it!

So maybe that's why the rescoped datagrid is based on the well established Angular Material Table. We decided to extend the <mat-table> component with directives and child-components to make it a full-featured data grid. This also allows the best possible compatibility with Angular and a quick and easy start for all developers. To create the datagrid, we provide three components (mat-datagrid-input, mat-datagrid-combobox or mat-datagrid-datepicker), each of which is rendered into the datagrid cells and is controlled by predefined rules. We'll cover the individual rules, components and directives later, but first, let's talk about our core concepts.

Core concepts

There is nothing special about the rescoped datagrid. We simply create a <mat-table> component, and just like in any other datagrid, we need to fill in data. The real power is that you can predefine individual rules for rows, columns or specific cells, to control, how and what will be rendered into the datagrid. These rules can be set globally, vertically, horizontally or very specific. This means you can set rules for:

  1. 1. The entire table
  2. 2. All rows or specific rows
  3. 3. All columns or specific columns
  4. 4. All cells or specific cells

Imagine you set the rules from global to atomic, from unspecific to specific. Rules that are more specific override rules that are less specific. For example, you can set a rule for the whole datagrid and create exceptions for individual rows, columns or cells. This makes the rescoped datagrid a very powerful tool and gives you maximum control.


Currently, there are five different types of rules: placeholder, validate, disable, render and action.


Behaves like the placeholder in a standard <input/>. Pass a value to render a placeholder until you click inside the cell.


Turn a validation on/off for the entire datagrid, rows, columns or individual cells.


If set to true, no <input/> but a string will be rendered into this cell.


If set to false, the entered data will be saved in the background, but will not be visible in this cell after confirming with enter.


Add componentType (e.g. <mat-button/>), componentPosition (before, after or override), condition and data to render a specific component into this cell.

These are the data types that the Rules will take.

interface RuleTypes {
placeholder?: string;
validate?: boolean;
disable?: boolean;
render?: boolean;
action?: {
componentType?: ComponentType<unknown>;
componentPosition?: 'before' | 'after' | 'override';
cond?: boolean | (() => boolean);
data?: unknown;

Data Model

To populate the datagrid, we use the setItemPayload function to create a multidimensional JS object, that holds not only the data itself, but also metadata that defines what actionType (global-row, group-row or single-row) it is, or groupId it has. This is the data model and is only visible internally. The data model has the highest specificity and overwrites all previously set rules!

Low level interaction

By default, we provide an input field (mat-datagrid-input), a date field (mat-datagrid-datepicker) or a combobox (mat-datagrid-combobox) that can be rendered into the individual cells. In the future, we plan to add other useful inputs, such as a mat-star-rating component. But for now, you can create and add any component you can think of to the datagrid via the action rule.


For simple data input like strings and numbers


Just like a dropdown to select data from a predefined list, but with a built-in search field.


A wrapper for the mat-datepicker that streamlines the configuration and makes the markup nice.

High level interaction

You can not only make the datagrid interactive by rendering inputs into each cell, you can also group rows together or batch input data into each cell of a specific column. Again, you can think here in the horizontal and the vertical.


One row that sits on top of your table. Type in a string (or perform an action) into a cell to apply it on each cell in this specific column.


Each group-row sits on top of a group of single-rows. Type in a string (or perform an action) to apply it to each cell within this group, in this specific column. You can also open and close groups similar to an accordion component, when implemented.


This is the simplest type of row. It holds and displays its cells’ data. Type in a string (or perform an action).


For the future, search-replace and filter are two more row types, to further improve the interaction with the datagrid. We are planning these features for the beta launch 2023 Q1!


The datagrid validation works exactly as you already know it from Angular Forms. But on top we have extended Angular Form Validators, so you can be very specific by passing a validationMessage, validationCode and a validationType to the validation rule. We recommend defining only one validation rule per column in your Markup.

The interface for each column looks like this:

interface DatagridValidation {
validator?: ValidatorFn[];
asyncValidator?: AsyncValidatorFn[];
updateOn?: AbstractControlOptions['updateOn'];

Skygrid showcase app


Skygrid is a demo app we have built for you to explain the datagrid implementation and functions using functions. Find the demo here skygrid demo app, read the guide here installation & setup.


Because we are still in alpha, we need you! You can help us by contributing to our documentation, improving the datagrid codebase or something we didn't even think about yet.

Contact us via moc.qadova@depocser, GitHub, whatever you prefer. :)

Let's build together the tools that you want.


Bug report

Please open a bug report ticket on GitHub.

Feature request

Please file a feature request issue on GitHub.


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